- We Offer Information and Support
The African Endometriosis Awareness and Support Group offer free, easy and reliable information about Endometriosis in Africa, on our website, and through our publications. Emotional support and aids are provided to those living with endometriosis through our support groups and helpline to enable them understand the condition and how to manage it.
- We Create Awareness
We create awareness on endometriosis and the issues affecting people living with it, among health care practitioners, the media, people living with endometriosis and their family and friends, and also to the general public. Through the development of clear policies, we aim to influence the government and healthcare providers to achieve a high standard of care and treatment deserved by those affected with endometriosis.
- We’re a Membership Organization
People with endometriosis and those affected by it, are a core part of what we do. They direct what we do, enable us deliver our support services and refine and define our policies.